SLA, a non-profit, awards certification based on the established standards of professional and academic expertise demonstrated by SLA candidates as defined and measured by the top 15% graduate business schools, subject matter experts and academic credentialing teams.
The SLA is governed by a board of trustees. This board of trustees handles all strategic direction for the organization. The Trustees are made up of industry professionals with demonstrated experience in the field of certification, business, psychology, and AACSB Educational institutions.
Each certification has a Professional Board of Advisors to set content requirements in their specific field. The board members must all hold the highest business certification in their field AND/OR be approved faculty at AACSB (top 15% schools of business) colleges for the approved board of advisors positions they hold.
Each individual holding an SLA certification that has been independently scored and measured by the SLA, or their assigned testing-partners, becomes a member of the SLA. Each member must maintain certification in accordance with academic and licensing standards by earning 24 CEUs every two years. Some members may become eligible for life-time certification status based on their applied, academic, and service-records as masters in the areas of coaching, negotiations, human resources, or leadership. All officially certified professionals are listed on the SLA registry.