Strategic Learning Alliance contracts for setting guidelines, providing IRB standards, recruiting, managing, and reporting on research findings. Research findings are reported in summary by PEAK-Publishing. These entities conduct the necessary investigation prior to research programs being approved. Many BETA tests are used using action-research methodologies and techniques as part of applied learning program trials. These trials are reviewed and approved by the Board of Governors and/or are contracted to the appropriate learning professionals for design, recruitment, management, and delivery.
Strategic Learning Alliance funds multiple learning-based non-profits. However, learning programs are contracted to licensed providers who meet the standards set by the Board of Governors. All individuals approved by the SLA for AASCB credits AND certification become annual members of the SLA. Membership information and opportunity is available in the membership pages. All surveys, communications, polls, and information gathered and approved during SLA programs is by permission of the program providers, participants, and the SLA internal review board requirements. Strategic Learning Alliance maintains rights to these findings and will keep findings confidential in the interest of participants and program providers. Furthermore, they have set the credentialing standards by which programs are approved using AASCB standards. The SLA does not provide the AASCB credits, but regulates which courses and by what standards an individual may participate in SLA approved programs, receive AASCB credits AND receive third party certification.